Here’s the good stuff for July.
Nathan Yau
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Visualization Tools, Datasets, and Resources – July 2020 Roundup
What schools might look like if students go back
Dana Goldstein, with illustrations by Yuliya Parshina-Kottas, imagines what school might look like…
What YouTube recommendations look like for others
Watch enough YouTube, and you end up in a bubble of videos catered…
Tracking what happens to police after use of force on protestors
You’ve probably seen the videos. ProPublica is tracking to see what happens after:…
Tic-Tac-Toe the Hard Way is a podcast about the human decisions in building a machine learning system
From Google’s People + AI Research team, David Weinberger and Yannick Assogba build…
Spacecraft orbits
For The New York Times, Jonathan Corum illustrated the dozens of spacecraft orbiting…
If the unemployed lose $600 per week
A $600 per week benefit expires for the unemployed at the end of…
Defining ’90s music, based on song recognition
In search of songs that define music in the 1990s, Matt Daniels and…
Wearing masks and infection rate
Studies suggest that wide adoption of masks can reduce the spread of the…
Comparing U.S. coronavirus case rates to other hot spots
The numbers are high here in the United States, and at this point,…
Visualizing periodicity with animations
Pierre Ripoll provides several ways to visualize periodicity using animation. Moving dots, rotating…
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Maybe They’re Just Not Good at Charts Yet (The Process 099)
This week, people were taking a closer look at the Georgia Department of Public Health’s Covid-19 status page (again), which led to an unnecessary pile-on.
Park sounds before and during the pandemic
With lockdown orders arounds the world, places that we’re allowed to go sound…
Remote work and industry
Some industries are more compatible with remote work than others. Jonathan I. Dingel…
Understanding Covid-19 statistics
For ProPublica, Caroline Chen, with graphics by Ash Ngu, provides a guide on…
This Age is the New Age
30 is the new 20. Wait. 40 is the new 20. No, scratch…
Unemployment for different groups
Unemployment has hit the United States hard over the past several months, for…
Words used to describe men and women’s bodies in literature
Authors tend to focus on different body parts for men and women, and…
Where people are wearing masks
NYT’s The Upshot ran a survey through the data firm Dynata asking people…
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Automatic Visualization is Still Not Useful (The Process 098)
There were rumblings this week about visualizing data automatically. Got a dataset? Plug it in to some software, and you’ve got that amazing visualization you’ve been looking for. Just like magic. That’s always the promise at least.