Here’s the good stuff for August 2020.
Nathan Yau
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Visualization Tools and Resources – August 2020 Roundup
Shot chart for Aug 26 2020 NBA playoffs
FDA commissioner corrects his misinterpretation of reduced mortality
Talking about a possible plasma treatment for Covid-19, the Food and Drug Administration…
Redefining Old Age
What is old? When it comes to subjects like health care and retirement, we often think of old in fixed terms. But as people live longer, it’s worth changing the definition.
Optimizing a peanut butter and banana sandwich
How do you assemble a banana and peanut butter sandwich that maximizes the…
How long before there is gender equality in the U.S. House and Senate
For The Washington Post, Sergio Peçanha asks, “What will it take to achieve…
Racist housing policy from 1930s and present-day temperature highs
Brad Plumer and Nadja Popovich for The New York Times show how policies…
Visits to businesses compared year-over-year in each state
Businesses are still seeing visits mostly down compared to last year, which shouldn’t…
Excess deaths, by race
It’s clear that Covid-19 has affected groups differently across the United States. By…
Analyzing the topics of cable TV news
From the Computer Graphics Lab at Stanford University, the results from an analysis…
Vote-by-mail volume compared against years past
The volume of mail-in ballots will likely be higher than usual this year,…
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The Process 103 – End Result
Last month I did a short Q&A about FD and my workflow. I thought I’d elaborate on one of my answers.
Inference of key shape from the sound it makes in the lock
Researchers from the National University of Singapore found a way to infer key…
California wildfires map
Los Angeles Times provides a California-specific map of the current wildfires to stay…
Fire and smoke map
With the rush of wildfires in California, governor Gavin Newsom declared (another) state…
Tracking who’s wearing masks correctly
For The Los Angeles Times, Casey Miller went hyperlocal to track mask wearing…
Scale of the explosion in Beirut
There was an explosion in Beirut. It was big. How big? Marco Hernandez…
Seems about right. (Who made it?)…
Census counting during the pandemic
Reporting for The New York Times, Giovanni Russonello on the decennial census during…
Where schools are ready to reopen
For NYT Opinion, Yaryna Serkez and Stuart A. Thompson estimated where we’re ready:…