As we have seen, small shifts in voting behavior of various demographic groups…
Nathan Yau
Design your own election scenario
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The Process 105 – Piecing Together the Basics
You gotta walk before you crawl. Wait a minute.
Wanna know somefing?
From Reddit user wequiock_falls, “What I’m about to learn about after my kid…
Multiple Causes of Death
There’s a 6 percent figure from the CDC that could be easily misinterpreted. Here’s what it means.
Red-blue electoral map and the green-gray in satellite imagery
For NYT’s The Upshot, Tim Wallace and Krishna Karra looked at how the…
Choose your own election outcome
The election is full of what-ifs, and the result changes depending on which…
How to vote in each state
Each state is handling mail-in voting in a certain way with varying timelines…
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How to Untangle a Spaghetti Line Chart (with R Examples)
Put multiple time series lines on the same plot, and you quickly end up with a mess. Here are practical ways to clean it up.
Audit advanced data science course online
Jeff Leek and Roger Peng started their course Advanced Data Science at Johns…
Time for last-minute mail voting
The New York Times provides a state-by-state chart timeline for voting by mail:…
Minimizing risk
For NYT Opinion, Aaron E. Carroll on doing small things that sum to…
Minutes spoken at the Republican Convention
The New York Times provides a breakdown of minutes spoken at the Republican…
Dying mid-range mall
Bloomberg looks at how retail struggles might kill the middle-of-the-road malls before this…
Two.js for two-dimensional drawing and animation in modern web browsers
“Two.js is deeply inspired by flat motion graphics. As a result, two.js aims…
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Visualization Tools and Resources – August 2020 Roundup
Here’s the good stuff for August 2020.
Shot chart for Aug 26 2020 NBA playoffs
FDA commissioner corrects his misinterpretation of reduced mortality
Talking about a possible plasma treatment for Covid-19, the Food and Drug Administration…
Redefining Old Age
What is old? When it comes to subjects like health care and retirement, we often think of old in fixed terms. But as people live longer, it’s worth changing the definition.
Optimizing a peanut butter and banana sandwich
How do you assemble a banana and peanut butter sandwich that maximizes the…
How long before there is gender equality in the U.S. House and Senate
For The Washington Post, Sergio Peçanha asks, “What will it take to achieve…