Artist Charles Sowers specializes in public art works and display of physical phenomena.…
Nathan Yau
Physical installation shows actual wind patterns
A big collection of sites and services for accessing data
Andy Kirk put together a big collection of sites and services for accessing data. It’s essentially a big ol’ data dump.
GPS shoes show you the way home
Inspired by The Wizard of Oz, where Dorothy clicks her heels to get…
Climbing the income ladder →
In a study conducted by researchers at Harvard and UC Berkeley, data shows…
Rappers’ claimed wealth versus actual wealth
Allison McCann for Businessweek graphed rappers’ claimed wealth in their songs versus their…
Predicting riots
Hannah Fry and her group at University College London investigate data from the…
Movie sounds
Moviesound is a goofy yet charming look at sounds in movies. Imagine sound…
Make your own US rivers and roads maps
Inspired by Nelson Minar’s map of US rivers, Mike Bostock demonstrates how to…
What is wrong with these charts?
Whoa. There are a lot of things wrong with this chart. Gold star…
Getting started with visualization after getting started with visualization
Here’s where to go next once you’ve covered the basics of visualization. When it’s time to actually start making things.
Economist spotting
It was surprisingly hard for me to find a physical copy of this…
R spells for data wizards
Thomas Levine provides a handful of useful tips for those getting started with R.
Transit times in NYC
As more New Yorkers move farther away from Manhattan, transit times grow in…
Visualizing uncertainty still unsolved problem
Vivien Marx in Nature Methods:
Data from an experiment may appear rock solid.… -
Global migration and debt
Global Economic Dynamics, by the Bertelsmann Foundation in collaboration with 9elements, Raureif, and…
An eerie view of the linked city
Watch_Dogs is a video game that imagines Chicago as a city where everyone…
Map shows how to say “beer” in Europe
Feòrag NicBhrìde provides a handy map on how to say beer in European…
Statistics for Point Pattern Analysis in the Real World
Lillian Pierson provides a summary of methods to measure distance and clustering in a spatial context.
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Small Maps and Grids
Maybe you want to make spatial comparisons over time or across categories. Organized small maps might do the trick.
Dictionary of Numbers extension adds context to numbers
We read and hear numbers in the news all the time, but it…