Benjamin Grosser visualized how computers “watch” movies through vision algorithms and artificial intelligence…
Nathan Yau
What a computer sees while watching movies
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How to Map Geographic Paths in R
As people and things move through a place, it can be useful to see their connected paths instead of just individual points.
FlowingData Job Board, January 2014
Looking for a job in data science, visualization, or statistics? There are openings…
Public transit times in major cities
Last year, WNYC made an interactive map that shows transit times in New…
Facebook debunks Princeton study
Researchers at Princeton released a study that said that Facebook was on the…
Bird flight paths
Dennis Hlynsky, an artist and a professor at the Rhode Island School of…
Using data to find a girlfriend
Remember when Amy Webb created a bunch of fake male profiles to scrape…
A century of passenger air travel →
Kiln and the Guardian explored the 100-year history of passenger air travel, and…
Movie quotes as charts, poster edition
Since so many of you kind people asked, the movie-quotes-as-charts graphic is now…
Disney MagicBands track your theme park activities
You can now wear a MagicBand when you enter Disneyland to get a…
Music timeline of plays and history
Two Google research groups, Big Picture and Music Intelligence, got together and made…
Famous Movie Quotes as Charts →
In celebration of their 100-year anniversary, the American Film Institute selected the 100…
Donald Duck family tree
The Donald Duck family tree is huge. Who knew? Above is only a…
Lexical distance between European languages
Using data from linguistics research by Kostiantyn Tyshchenko, Teresa Elms clustered European languages…
Map projections illustrated with a face
Most people, at least those who visit sites like FlowingData, know about map…
Religion and life expectancy
The person in this cartoon nailed it. I’m going to do the same…
A visual exploration of refugee migrations
Hyperakt and Ekene Ijeoma visualized migrations over time and space in The Refugee…
Cherry picking years for random sports statements
When you watch sports, it can sometimes feel like the stat guy pulls…
Facial hair trends over time
In 1976, Dwight E. Robinson, an economist at the University of Washington, studied…
Introducing R to a non-programmer, in an hour
Biostatistics PhD candidate Alyssa Frazee was tasked with teaching her sister, an undergraduate…