It’s easy to draw dots. The challenge is to make them meaningful and readable.
Nathan Yau
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How to Make Dot Plots in R
Why study statistics
In their continued efforts to present statistics as a field that doesn’t suck,…
LEGO explainer: Taxes and income inequality
LEGOs make everything better. David Wessel for Brookings Institution explains how federal taxes…
It’s All Greek (or Chinese or Spanish or…) to Me
In English, there’s an idiom that notes confusion: “It’s all Greek to me.” Other languages have similar sayings, but they don’t use Greek as their point of confusion.
Estimated number of Game of Thrones readers who have died
We know there are a lot of deaths in Game of Thrones, but…
Asteroid database
Asterank is an asteroid database maintained by Ian Webster, an engineer at Google.…
A tall graphic to show Mt. Everest scale
Mt. Everest is a tall mountain. How tall is it?? Glad you asked.…
More on Gestalt principles for visualization →
Color use in paintings, by year
Martin Bellander saw some projects that extracted color from movie posters and trailers,…
Cocktail construction chart
Remember that engineer’s guide to drinks a while back? I think this one…
Dick pics, privacy, and the NSA
Did you watch the latest Last Week Tonight with John Oliver yet? You…
California water use per capita, by district
Matthew Bloch and Haeyoun Park for the New York Times mapped, for about…
Gallons of water to produce foods
With all the talk recently about how much water it takes to grow…
Every Game of Thrones death
I hear there’s a show called “Game of Thrones” on the T.V., where…
State Income Tax Brackets Charted
I’m sure you finished your taxes months ago, but here’s a chart of…
Purifying the Sea of PDF Data, Automatically →
Jeremy B. Merrill is working on the problem of too much data in PDF files. “My pattern solves this problem using tabula-extractor, the Ruby library (and command-line tool) that powers Tabula. It’s built to output data to CSVs or to a MySQL database.”
Gestalt principles for visualization
Gestalt refers to our ability to see a whole from the parts, and…
How We Spend Our Money, a Breakdown
We know spending changes when you have more money. Here’s by how much.
Growth of urban neighborhood Wal-Mart
Maybe you saw the Wal-Mart growth map I made a while back. NPR…
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How to Make Line Charts in R
Learn to draw lines wherever and however you want, and you’ve got yourself some flexibility.