Daniel Goddemeyer and Dominikus Baur grew interested in cell reception while on the…
Nathan Yau
Cell reception on the subway, mapped
Super Tuesday simulation to show uncertainty
As we know, there are various outcomes during election season, with uncertainty in…
Impact of Best Picture Oscar nomination on profit
I think the general assumption is that getting an Oscar nomination for Best…
Possible paths for a Trump nomination loss or win
It pains me to imagine a time when Donald Drumpf earns a Republican…
Screen-capping Google Maps for traffic
Alyson Hurt quickly wrote some code to take screen captures of a Google…
Vega-Lite for quick online charts
A few years ago, Trifacta released Vega, a “visualization grammar” that lets you…
Perceptual Scaling of Map Symbols →
Scale circles by area or by how they are actually perceived?
Code as microorganism
Taking a step beyond 2-D glyphs, Codeology depicts GitHub user activity based on…
How much warmer your city was in 2015
It was hotter in 2015 than any other year ever. K. K. Rebecca…
Social network of Earth’s plants and animals
Plants and animals interact with each other to stay alive, which in turn…
The Daily Mail Stole My Visualization, Twice
Last month, I published an interactive visualization that simulates how and when you…
Supreme Court shifts in power
The Upshot has been doing a good bit on the Supreme Court dynamics…
Data scientists mostly just do arithmetic
Noah Lorang, a data scientist at Basecamp, explains the key for most companies…
Emergency room data in R
For my graphic on emergency room visits over time and the other on…
Math of crime and terrorism
Numberphile, from the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, is one my new favorite YouTube…
Million to One Shot, Doc
Between 2009 and 2014, there were an estimated 17,968 visits to the emergency room for things stuck in a rectum. Here are those things’ stories.
Predictive policing
Crime and data have an old history together, but because there are new…
Who marries who, by profession
People with certain professions tend to marry others with a given profession. Adam…
International impact of China’s economic slowdown
China’s economic slowdown means a major decline in imports from other countries, which…
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How to Make an Interactive Stacked Area Chart
Stacked area charts let you see categorical data over time. Interaction allows you to focus on specific categories without losing sight of the big picture.