USA Today looks at some of the numbers on 17th century slavery in…
Nathan Yau
History of slavery in America
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Chart Different, Then Adjust (The Process #53)
Practicality will make its self known whether you want to or not. So, try different visual forms and take it from there.
How much warmer your city will get
BBC News asks a straightforward question: How much warmer is your city? Enter…
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How to Make a Polar Density Plot in R
With cyclical data, a circular format might be useful. Combine that with a smooth density to reduce noise, and you got yourself a plot.
People who answer “don’t know” to obvious questions
In survey data, there is usually an open-ended category for “not applicable” or…
Fantasy football draft rankings, with weekly projections
Football season is starting soon, which means many will participate in the age-old…
Democratic candidates who Iowa fairgoers could name
In a “radically unscientific survey” Kevin Uhrmacher and Kevin Schaul for The Washington…
Measuring pop music’s falsetto usage
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Vox and Matt Daniels delved into falsetto in pop music… -
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Annotate Charts to Help Your Data Speak, Because the Data Has No Idea What It Is Doing (The Process #52)
This week, we talk annotation and how it can make your charts more readable and easier to understand.
Predicting whether you are Democrat or Republican
The New York Times is in a quizzy mood lately. Must be all…
Everyday charts book
Add a book to the humorous-charts-documenting-the-everyday genre. Am I Overthinking This? by Michelle…
Least Preferred Sandwich
Which sandwich do people not like the most? The winner: the Cheese and Tomato, if that even counts as an actual sandwich.
Warped shape of the galaxy
Dorota M. Skowron et al. made the first 3-D map of the galaxy.…
Why you shouldn’t use ZIP Codes for spatial analysis
For Carto, Matt Forrest explains why you shouldn’t use ZIP codes for spatial…
How an earthquake can trigger others on the opposite side of the world
Speaking of earthquakes, Will Chase looked back at a 2012 earthquake in Sumatra…
Earthquake trigger
For The New York Times, Derek Watkins used animated maps to show how…
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Who Inspired Visualization Practitioners to Become Visualization Practitioners (The Process #51)
For everyone who does data visualization for a living right now, there was someone who came before.
Imaging Earth on the daily
Over the past four years, Planet deployed 293 satellites in low orbit to…
Light from the center of the galaxy
This animated interactive explains how a research group is using light to measure…
Best Burger Ranks
Survey participants were asked to grade fast food burger restaurants on eight criteria. This is how each restaurant ranked.