Philip Bump explains why the “impeach this” map is a bit dubious:
The ‘impeach this’ map has some issues
Cartogram of where presidential candidates campaign
Presidential candidates campaign harder in some states more than others. National Popular Vote…
Democratic candidates who Iowa fairgoers could name
In a “radically unscientific survey” Kevin Uhrmacher and Kevin Schaul for The Washington…
Mapping politically polarized cities
Rachael Dottle, for FiveThirtyEight, looked for political differences in cities and ranked them,…
More candidates and earlier
For Bloomberg, Lauren Leatherby and Paul Murray describe the heightened eagerness to enter…
Color distribution in campaign logos
In news graphics, blue typically represents Democrat and red represents Republican. However, the…
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Election Visualization Circle of Life
Election night has become quite the event for newsrooms and graphics departments over the years, and the visualization production cycle has started to feel more familiar each time.
Midterm shifts versus the 2016 election
The Guardian goes with scaled, angled arrows to show the Republican and Democrat…
How a meme grew into a campaign slogan
A meme that cried “jobs not mobs” began modestly, but a couple of…
Demographic effects on voting intention
The Economist built an election model that treats demographic variables like blocks that…
Maps of the issues mentioned most in election advertising
As the midterm elections loom, the ads focusing on key issues are running…
Faces of diverse midterms
As one might expect, many women, people of color, and L.G.B.T. candidates are…
xkcd maps 2018 midterm election challengers
Randall Munroe, Kelsey Harris, and Max Goodman for xkcd mapped all the challengers…
Geography of voter turnout
Based on data from Dave Leip’s Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections, The Washington…
High school statistics class builds election prediction model
High school seniors, in the Political Statistics class at Montgomery Blair High School…
2018 House forecast from FiveThirtyEight
Ever since the huge forecasting upset in 2016, I’ve tended to stay away…
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Detailed Intentions of a Map, When Everything Leads to Nothing, Designing for Misinterpretations
The New York Times published an election map. A lot of people did not like the map, arguing that it was an inaccurate representation. Those who did like the map argued that one must consider intent before throwing a map to the flames.
What happens when intended use and actual use do not match up?
Download 3 million Russian troll tweets
Oliver Roeder for FiveThirtyEight:
FiveThirtyEight has obtained nearly 3 million tweets from accounts… -
Extremely detailed election map
The Upshot returns to 2016 election results mapped at the precinct level. Because…
Alabama voter demographics
Democrat Doug Jones won in the senate race against Republican Roy More last…