See how many people are in various work cohorts, given education, annual income, weekly hours, and commute time.
Work Cohorts
Change in commute times in major cities
Using GPS data processed by Replica, Lydia DePillis, Emma Goldberg, and Ella Koeze,…
A race to find the best route to the Jersey Shore
To find the fastest route from Philadelphia to the Jersey Shore, The Philadelphia…
Map of highway signs
This is a fun map by Matt Dzugan. Search for a city, and…
Commuting calculator
Sergio Peçanha and Yan Wu for The Washington Post made a calculator that…
Mapping When and Where People Start their Commute
For commuters, the farther away you live from the workplace, the earlier you have to leave your house to get to work on time. How much does that start time change the farther out you get?
How Much Commuting is Too Much?
One person’s long commute is another’s dream. Another person’s normal might be someone else’s nightmare. What counts as a long commute depends on where you live.
Rail delay scarf goes for $8,500 on eBay
Sarah Weber posted a picture of a scarf that her mom knit to…
When cycling is faster than driving
Deliveroo is a service that picks up and delivers food. Data from their…
How far you can drive out of the city in one hour
Using anonymized cell phone data from Here Technologies, Sahil Chinoy for The Washington…
Compare your commute time to others
Commuting sucks. Here’s a straightforward map to compare how much or less your…
New region boundaries based on commutes
Geographers Alasdair Rae and Garrett Nelson used commuting data from the American Community…
Where people go to and from work
With an animated take on the commute map, Mark Evans shows where people…
Out-of-state commuters mapped
In a straightforward map, Seth Kadish shows the percentage of county residents who…
Traffic gridlock simulation
I hate all things commute- and traffic-related, and it’s probably why I like…
Compare Worst and Best Commutes in America
See who has it worse off and better than you.
Interactive: When Do Americans Leave For Work?
We don’t all start our work days at the same time, despite what morning rush hour might have you think.
Interactive: How Americans Get to Work
The way that people get around can say a lot about how a place is made up. Here’s an interactive map that shows how people get to work in America.
Your mobility at various times during the day
Isoscope, a class project by Flavio Gortana, Sebastian Kaim and Martin von Lupin,…
Average commute times mapped →
The United States Census Bureau just released county-level commute estimates for 2011, based…