Just about everywhere you go there’s something in the news about swine flu,…
More than mean, median, and mode.
Tracking Swine Flu Worldwide – Where and How, Plus Data
Narrow-minded Data Visualization
I was going to let this one slide, but people kept commenting, essentially…
Millions of Money-in-Politics Data Records Now Available
The Center for Responsive Politics (CRP), a research group well-known for its tracking…
Taking a Look at Facebook Statistics from All Facebook
Facebook started as a spinoff of Hot or Not in 2003. Now Facebook…
Data Visualization is Only Part of the Answer to Big Data
How can we now cope with a large amount of data and still…
What’s Wrong With this Financial Bubble Chart?
If there’s anything good that has come out of America’s financial crisis, it’s…
Google’s Chief Economist Hal Varian on Statistics and Data
I keep saying the sexy job in the next ten years will be…
Obama Launches Recovery.gov – Your $787 billion at Work
The Barack Obama administration is clearly making an effort to get information out…
Fail: Area Circles on Wall Street
I know next to nothing about the economy, stocks, and investments, but I…
Open Thread: Is Google Latitude Dangerous?
Google recently released Google Latitude, which is an online application that lets you…
Sensors in Footballs – Was the Pass Good?
Graduate student researchers are pretty much putting sensors in everything these days. There’s…
All You Can Eat at the Twitter Data Buffet
Philip from infochimps posts the results of some heavy Twitter scraping. Data for…
Do You Hate Statistics as Much as Everyone Else?
Photo by Darwin Bell
It happened again. I told someone I study statistics.… -
Scientists Can Now Map Your Dreams to an Image
I thought this was a joke when I first read it, but scientists…
Amazon Gets In On the Public Data Arena
It was really only a matter of time, but Amazon now hosts public…
Guess What State Searches for ‘Poo’ the Most – StateStats
StateStats is like Google Insights but on a state level. Type in a…
Neighborhood Boundaries with Flickr Shapefiles
Neighborhood Boundaries by Tom Taylor uses Flickr Shapefiles and Yahoo! Geoplanet “to show…
US Oil Doesn’t Come From Where You Think it Does
Where do you think the US imports the most oil from? Most of…
New York Times Visualization Lab – Collaboration with Many Eyes
It was just a little over a week ago that The New York…
Playboy Playmate Curves and the State of the Economy
Terry Pettijohn and Brian Jungeberg of Mercyhurst College took a very close look…