There is a possibility the UK Census is scrapped for cheaper options next…
More than mean, median, and mode.
UK Census at risk
Data in the service of humanity
For this rainy Labor Day, here’s an uplifting talk by DataKind founder Jake…
The inventor of modern probability
Andrei Kolmogorov is a name unfamiliar to most, but his work had lasting…
A master’s degree in statistics is worthwhile
Statistician (and brand new PhD student) Jerzy Wieczorek explains the usefulness of a…
Pickle Index for population estimation
As China moves forward with a plan to move 250 million people to…
Why everyone is more popular than you
Mathematician Hannah Fry is back with another video. She explains why it seems…
Google search suggestions by country
Google search suggestions have transformed into a never-ending source of entertainment and a…
Behind the Netflix recommendation system
Wired has a fun Netflix interview on the behind-the-scenes work on the recommendation…
An analysis after watching a year’s worth of SportsCenter
Patrick Burns for Deadspin watched 23,000 minutes of SportsCenter, keeping track of the…
- revamp
After budget cuts a couple of years ago, I assumed was all…
Datalandia, the fictional town saved by data
GE has a short video series on a fictional town called Datalandia where…
A big collection of sites and services for accessing data
Andy Kirk put together a big collection of sites and services for accessing data. It’s essentially a big ol’ data dump.
Predicting riots
Hannah Fry and her group at University College London investigate data from the…
Statistics for Point Pattern Analysis in the Real World
Lillian Pierson provides a summary of methods to measure distance and clustering in a spatial context.
Dictionary of Numbers extension adds context to numbers
We read and hear numbers in the news all the time, but it…
Statistics jokes
There’s a fun CrossValidated thread on statistics jokes. Here’s the one with the…
Beer recommendation system in R
Using data from Beer Advocate, in the form of 1.5 million reviews, yhat…
Twitter trend detection algorithm
Stuff happens, and people tweet about it. Something major happens, and a lot…
Non-statistician analysts are the new norm
As data grows cheaper and more easily accessible, the people who analyze it…
The differences between a geek and a nerd
Curious about how people use “geek” and “nerd” to describe themselves and if…