I’m behind on my podcast listening (well, behind in everything tbh), but Reply…
More than mean, median, and mode.
The Crime Machine
Finding a house to buy, using statistics
Atma Mani, a geospatial engineer for ESRI, imagined shopping for a house with…
Cheap labor to power artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence, given its name, sounds like a computer learns everything its own.…
Data Feminism
Data grows more intertwined with the everyday and more involved in important decisions.…
Demographic effects on voting intention
The Economist built an election model that treats demographic variables like blocks that…
High school statistics class builds election prediction model
High school seniors, in the Political Statistics class at Montgomery Blair High School…
Education disparities
There are many racial disparities in education. ProPublica shows estimates for the gaps:…
Optimized bubble tea consumption
When you drink bubble tea, ideally you’d like to finish with the same…
Unreliable gun data from the CDC
FiveThirtyEight and The Trace investigate the uncertainty and accuracy of gun injury data…
Chromebook Data Science
Getting into data science typically requires that you have access to a decent…
The rise and plummet of the name Heather
Hey, no one told me that baby name analysis was back in fashion.…
Changing size analogies and the trends of everyday things
When you try to describe the size of something but don’t have an…
Waffle House index as a storm indicator
Waffle House activated their storm center in preparation for Hurricane Florence. Their restaurants…
Algorithms to fix underrepresentation on Wikipedia
Wikipedia is human-edited, so naturally there are biases towards certain groups of people.…
Live polling results for transparency and a way to learn about the process
In a collaboration with Siena College, The Upshot is showing live polling results.…
Google Dataset Search now in public beta
Datasets are scattered across the web, tucked into cobwebbed corners where nobody can…
Counting baseball cliches
Post-game sports interviews tend to sound similar. And when you do say something…
Weighing the risk of moderate alcohol consumption
A research study on mortality and alcohol consumption is making the rounds. Its…
What data scientists really do
Statistics. I kid, I kid. Hugo Bowne-Anderson, host of the DataFramed podcast, culled…
2018 House forecast from FiveThirtyEight
Ever since the huge forecasting upset in 2016, I’ve tended to stay away…