The argument behind this graph in The Wall Street Journal is that the…
Mistaken Data
Hm. That does not look right.
Open thread: Can you spot the wrongness in this tax graph?
Open thread: Charts during the State of the Union address
President Barack Obama delivered his State of the Union address yesterday, and this…
Right versus wrong bubble size
I was going to post this graphic from Good when it came out,…
Harvard scientist found guilty of misconduct
Shady research from Harvard scientist Marc Hauser is confirmed:
On Friday, Michael D.… -
Wait. Something isn’t right here…
No clue where this is from, but something seems sort of off, no? I guess we should take the title literally. By the numbers… only. I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt though, and assume this was just an honest mistake. Here’s my guess about what happened.
Fox News Makes the Best Pie Chart. Ever.
What? I don’t see anything wrong with it.…
What’s Wrong With this Graphic on the Future of Information?
This graphic on the history and future of information has been making the…
What’s Wrong With this Financial Bubble Chart?
If there’s anything good that has come out of America’s financial crisis, it’s…
Fail: Area Circles on Wall Street
I know next to nothing about the economy, stocks, and investments, but I…
Atheist Statistics For 2008 – Do You Believe These?
This video shows statistics centered around atheism, claiming that atheism is correlated with…
Bad Statistics Leads to Poor Results and a Questionable Trial Verdict
Oxford mathematician, Peter Donnelly gives a TED talk on the common mistakes we make when interpreting Statistics.
All Linkin Park Songs Look the Same? Maybe Not.
On, someone took snapshots of some Linkin Park songs, compared them, and…
Misleading Map of Buffalo Snow
I saw this map of the average snow levels in Buffalo. I think…
Finding Weirdness in Temperature Data
After parsing Weather Underground pages to grab temperature data, it’s time to look…
Juice TESTING in Competitive Sports
It’s easy to see how Statistics got this bad wrap because it’s so…