Statistical Visualization

Finding patterns, distributions, and anomalies.

Distribution of snowfall estimates to show uncertainty

For NYT’s The Upshot, Aatish Bhatia, Josh Katz and Margot Sanger-Katz show the…

Weighted Olympic medal counts

To decide who’s doing best at the Olympics you have to define what…

Premier League territory control

The Athletic charted territories on the field to show whether the team of…

Accuracy of groundhog weather prediction

For FiveThirtyEight, Simran Parwani and Kaleigh Rogers compared Groundhog Day predictions against actual…

Charts showing Tom Brady’s standout career

Tom Brady announced his retirement from the National Football League, which ends a…

Crypto volatility charts

One of the attractions of crypto is that values can swing into the…

Diversity of federal judge picks, compared by president

Adrian Blanco for The Washington Post used squares connected at the corners to…

Questioning Novak Djokovic’s Covid tests, based on data

Tennis player Novak Djokovic is not vaccinated against the coronavirus, and as a…

Death rates by vaccination booster status

Our World in Data continues their important work on providing and showing up-to-date…

Analytics for U.S. government websites

With the announcement of free Covid-19 tests through the United States Postal Service,…

A visual and audio tour of sound at Nap Nap Swamp

When I think swamp noise, I imagine a blob of sound that’s some…

Congressmen who enslaved people

Using old Census records and documents, Julie Zauzmer Weil, Adrian Blanco and Leo…

New shopping search patterns from the pandemic

Schema Design, Google Trends, and Axios collaborated on The New Normal, looking at…

Settling all the internet debates in one go with a bunch of polling

The internet was once this fun place where people had goofy debates about…

False positives with prenatal tests for rare conditions

Sarah Kliff and Aatish Bhatia for NYT’s The Upshot look at the uncertainty…

Covid-19 mortality before and after vaccine eligibility

Denise Lu and Albert Sun for The New York Times show the shifts…

World Chess Championship in charts

Magnus Carlsen continued to assert his dominance at the World Chess Championship. FiveThirtyEight…

A catalog of all the Covid visualizations

The COVID-19 Online Visualization Collection is a project to catalog Covid-related graphics across…