RStudio, the folks behind the IDE for R released last year, continues to…
Programs and online applications to help you make use of data.
Shiny allows web applications with R
xkcd-style charts in R, JavaScript, and Python
The ports and packages to make your charts look like they came from…
Torque for mapping temporal data
Mapping data over time can be challenging, especially when you have a lot…
Easy and customizable maps with TileMill →
I’m late to this party. TileMill, by mapping platform MapBox, is open source…
Analyze your Facebook profile with Wolfram|Alpha
Feeding off the momentum from Stephen Wolfram’s personal analytics earlier this year, Wolfram|Alpha…
New open data platform launches
Open data is everywhere. However, open data initiatives often manifest as mere CSV…
More infographic software
Recently there’s been a spate of infographic tools popping up (e.g.,, venngage,…
Venn pie-agrams
So I got to thinking, since I’m on this pie chart kick, “what…
Automated infographics with
I’m pretty sure I’m not in their target audience, but my main takeaway…
Miso: An open source toolkit for data visualisation
Your online visualization options are limited when you don’t know how to program.…
Timelines that are Easy to Make and Use
As a project of the Knight News Innovation Lab, Timeline by Verite is…
Live Coding Implemented
Remember Bret Victor’s live coding talk from last month? He presented an example…
Kartograph aims to make interactive vector maps easier
Gregor Aisch wanted a better way to make maps online that allowed something…
Creating Animated Bubble Charts in D3 →
Use of Force layout, collision detection, and transitions to make this graphic from The New York Times
Must-Have R Packages for Social Scientists →
Oldie but a goodie
Live coding and inventing on principle
This talk by Bret Victor caught fire a few days ago, but I…
WolframAlpha Pro launches in an effort to democratize data science
Taking the next step in the Wolfram|Alpha experiment, Wolfram launches a Pro version…
Weave for visualization development
Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment, or Weave for short, is open source software…
Angry Birds productivity tracker
With the new year, many of you (myself included) and your employers resolved…
Programming gets you freedom to do what you want with data
Casey Reas and Chandler McWilliams asked visual designers why they write their own…