The ports and packages to make your charts look like they came from the web comic xkcd are coming out in rapid fashion. Dan Foreman-Mackey stylized charts in JavaScript using D3, Mark Bulling did the same in R (dead/spam link), Emilio Torres Manzanera made an xkcd package, and Jake Vanderplas described how he did in Python. Still waiting for a Gangnam theme.
xkcd-style charts in R, JavaScript, and Python

Liam Revell has also produced code to make xkcd-style evolutionary trees in R, which is wicked awesome! –
Mathematica also! See
This was just presented at Visweek and uses Processing to make “sketchy” charts:
And LaTex:
All this started from a question posted at Mathematica Stackexchange site. They got some very nice programming solutions and inspired other programming communities to do the same.
am I not seeing it or does this graph not have a legend??
The matlab crowd on Stackoverflow also took a stab at this: and one guy put his source on github: