Yums, by Matthew Phillips, is a quick and simple way to save recipes…
Nathan Yau
Save recipes to your email
Directory of date-me docs
Instead of using dating apps, some have turned to the date-me doc, which…
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Range of Possible Answers, Maybe
In Statistics, analysis is more often about finding a range of possible answers than it is about finding a precise one.
Honesty research likely faked data
Research by Dan Ariely and Francesca Gino suggested that people were more honest…
Taylor Swift pop charts
Taylor Swift has been filling up stadiums across the United States and will…
Hot surfaces, stored energy
In hot places, the ground can heat to higher temperatures than the air,…
Comparing home run in distance different stadiums
In Major League Baseball, a player hits a home run when the ball…
Barbie and Oppenheimer themes for charts in R
Matthew Jané made a small R package called Theme Park, which is meant…
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Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, July 2023 Roundup
This is the good stuff for July.
Racing amateurs against Tour de France cyclists
It takes strength and dedication to race in the Tour de France. It’s…
John Snow’s cholera map, an animated version
[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHg5avw15Pg” /]
Sarah Bell made an animated version of John Snow’s classic… -
When is Dinner, by State
These are the states that eat dinner the earliest and latest, along with everyone else in between.
Increasing alcohol-related deaths
Alcohol consumption, based on ethanol volume estimates, has been rising over the past…
A race to find the best route to the Jersey Shore
To find the fastest route from Philadelphia to the Jersey Shore, The Philadelphia…
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Mundane Data Stories
A bunch of boring data points makes a pattern.
Understanding the SVG path element, a visual guide
The SVG path element can be useful for drawing regular and irregular shapes.…
What Americans drink and their changing habits
When I was a kid, I drank a lot of milk, and bottled…
Manual data labeling behind the AI
One of the things that makes AI seem neat is that it sometimes…
Age shifts around the world
The world is getting older overall. For The New York Times, Lauren Leatherby…
Flowchart showing the splits, mergers, and acquisitions of the former Bell Telephone Company
Bell System’s monopoly broke up in 1984 leading to independent phone companies, which…