Cartographer Andy Woodruff documents all the places he goes, resulting in the pretty…
Nathan Yau
Mapping and documenting a year of travels
Price and adoption timeline of gadgets
New gadgets, from Web-connected TVs, to smartphones, to Fax machines, always seem to…
Visualizing deletion discussions on Wikipedia
Fact is not always clear cut. Sometimes fact is driven by opinion. People…
Football supporter map of London
Map of London colored by what team the majority supports. Not much of…
Our changing world in cartograms
In this series of interactive cartograms, FedEx shows our changing world (and I…
Physics of dynamic braking in slow motion
When you slow down your car, energy dissipates into the air as heat.…
Comment to win a copy of Data Analysis with Open Source Tools – winner announced
Looking to get more serious about your data analysis? Data Analysis with Open…
Data conference: only a few days left for early registration + reader discount
In case you haven’t heard, O’Reilly’s new Strata Conference on “making data work”…
This Tract provides a view of Census data on your block
This Tract, by Michal Migurski of Stamen, with some help from Craig Mod,…
What you do online is data
Zachary Seward for the Wall Street Journal gives some thought to what he…
Map of North American English dialects and subdialects
Rick Aschmann has made a hobby out of studying and mapping North American…
7 billion people in motion graphics
National Geographic argues a need for balance across the world population in the…
Delicious mass exodus
On news that Delicious is on Yahoo’s sunset list, thousands of people decided…
Open thread: What’s the difference between a visualization and an infographic?
Interesting thread on Quora. I never gave it much thought, although I do…
The Dow Piano audiolizes the stock market in 2010
CNNMoney audiolizes the stock market in 2010 with the Dow Piano. Each day’s…
The real Inception flowchart by Nolan
Inception was a complex film, so there was understandably some confusion over the…
The Joy of Stats available in its entirety
The Joy of Stats, hosted by Hans Rosling, is now viewable in its…
Old map shows slavery in the United States
In 1864, drawing on the most recent 1860 Census data, the United States…
Dynamic sculpture brings weather into airport
eCLOUD, conceived by Aaron Koblin, Nik Hafermaas, and Dan Goods, displays weather data…
Merry Christmas from FlowingData
Merry Christmas and happy new year! As usual, don’t forget to eat lots.…