The Earth as Art is a compilation of NASA satellite imagery that shows…
Nathan Yau
Earth as Art book from NASA
D3 3.0 →
Built-in geographic projections, better transitions, and more extensive asynchronous requests
Data Analysis (with R) on Coursera
Jeff Leek, an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School…
An Illustrator to TileMill workflow →
It usually moves the other direction.
Your tax rate in 2012, and past rates since 1913
What is your effective tax rate now versus years past? Ritchie King made…
Longer life expectancy, more years of disease
Bonnie Berkowitz, Emily Chow and Todd Lindeman for the Washington Post plotted life…
Twitter archive download →
Finally, Twitter rolls out a feature to download all of your tweets as one file. They’re slowly making it available to users.
CSV Logger →
A simple iPhone app to keep track of what you want and store it in CSV format
Research-quality datasets →
A wide variety of datasets you can actually do stuff with
National Rifle Association grades for Congress members →
The New York Times mapped ratings for members of Congress, as given by…
Graphs explained →
Primer on network diagrams. See also.
Animated growth of an organization
A company grows, it shrinks, people come and go. Justin Matejka, a research…
Small multiples with details on demand →
Small charts. Click. Big chart.
Getting Started with Charts in R
You get a lot of bang for the buck with R, charting-wise, but it can be confusing at first, especially if you’ve never written code. Here are some examples to get started.
Solving for W →
I’ve been on a statistics-for-basketball spree as of late
An introduction to diagrams
As a teaser for a larger project on diagrams, Jane Nisselson describes how…
Sitegeist: A mobile app that tells you about your data surroundings
From businesses to demographics, there’s data for just about anywhere you are. Sitegeist,…
An ideal bookshelf
Thessaly La Force, with illustrator Jane Mount, recently published My Ideal Bookshelf, which…
How Obama’s data scientists built a volunteer army →
Changing times and new ways to reach people
Big data at Riot Games →
Learning how people play their games to provide more fun