The poster by Daniel E. Coe shows the life-like historical flows of the…
Nathan Yau
Glowing landscape shows river history
Fixing bus routes using mobile data
In parts of the world where there are few smartphones and GPS-enabled devices,…
I’m still here: back online after a year without the internet
Paul Miller disconnected from the Internet completely for a year. He describes an experience of at first feeling free and unburdened but eventually feeling lonely and, well, disconnected.
Lego minifigure taxonomy
There are over 4,000 Lego minifigure characters ranging from plumbers and judges to…
History of San Francisco street names mapped
Where do street names come from? Sometimes there’s actual history behind a name,…
Beer Mapper: An experimental app to find the right beer for you
Kevin Jamieson, an electrical and computer engineering graduate student at the University of…
Math and bad drawings
Ben Orlin likes math and teaching. He’s bad at drawing. He has a…
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Small Multiples in R
Make a lot of charts at once, line them up in a grid, and you can make quick comparisons across several categories.
The Numbers Game on National Geographic
Jake Porway, the founder of DataKind, has a new show on the National…
Selections in D3
Mike Bostock continues to beef up the documentation and tutorials for D3. This one for selections.
Insecurities of age through the eyes of Google Suggest
In this straightforward video, Marius Budin offers a look at our insecurities as…
A thorough Facebook analysis by Stephen Wolfram
Stephen Wolfram analyzed the Facebook world, based on anonymized data from the Wolfram|Alpha…
Binify for hexagon binning in Python
As an alternative to dot density maps, Binify by Kevin Schaul allows you…
Stop motion video: Food you can buy for $5 in different countries
This stop motion video from BuzzFeed shows how much food you can buy…
Visualization as Process →
Jer Thorp describes visualization as process rather than a tool or a product. “Please visualize our data.”
Flowchart for movie time travel →
Mr. Dalliard provides this handy flowchart to organize time travel movies. And yes,…
What your zip code reveals about you
What your zip code reveals about you. More on data brokers and how advertisers and businesses use your information to sell you stuff.
On Maps with Michal Migurski
Michal Migurski talks online mapping on the Data Stories podcast. Some history and current technologies. Skip to about 15 minutes in to get to the meat.
Orbiting planets found by NASA Kepler mission
The Kepler mission by NASA has discovered more than 100 planets that orbit…
Shot charts show evolution of Lebron James
With the start of the NBA playoffs tomorrow, it’s worth coming back to…