As Supreme Court hearings for same-sex marriage start today, Alex Tribou and Keith…
Nathan Yau
Quick change of mind on social issues
Recurring characters in film and the words used to describe them
Stereotropes, made by the Bocoup Data Visualization Team, explores the many tropes in…
Why exploring big data is hard
The talks from OpenVisConf 2015 went up, so I’m slowly making my way…
Emptied reservoirs in California
Winter is over and it’s shorts weather these days in California. This is…
Book: Statistics Done Wrong is a guide for how to do statistics right
A while back Alex Reinhart, a statistics instructor and PhD student at Carnegie…
Color timeline for Avengers comic book covers
The Avengers comic has been around since 1963 and the look and feel…
Far fewer black men than black women
Justin Wolfers, David Leonhardt, and Kevin Quealy for the Upshot explore the gender…
Wealth inequality explained in charts
Wealth inequality is a real thing that is complex and a result of…
Awesome Public Datasets →
“This list of public data sources are collected and tidyed from blogs, answers, and user responses.”
Life cycle of Earth’s carbon dioxide
The Cartography and Geovisualization Group at Oregon State University and NASA visualized a…
Speedy crossword solvers
Oliver Roeder for FiveThirtyEight covered this year’s American Crossword Puzzle Tournament and the…
xkcd: U.S. of movie backgrounds
xkcd sectioned the United States by the background in movies. Because xkcd.…
Quantified email
There were a couple of similar quantified self articles last week about email.…
Really slow speed of light
The “speed of light” typically means “really fast” but when it’s relative to…
Married couple tax bonuses and penalties
Using calculations by Nick Kasprak from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities…
Members Only
How to Make Dot Plots in R
It’s easy to draw dots. The challenge is to make them meaningful and readable.
Why study statistics
In their continued efforts to present statistics as a field that doesn’t suck,…
LEGO explainer: Taxes and income inequality
LEGOs make everything better. David Wessel for Brookings Institution explains how federal taxes…
It’s All Greek (or Chinese or Spanish or…) to Me
In English, there’s an idiom that notes confusion: “It’s all Greek to me.” Other languages have similar sayings, but they don’t use Greek as their point of confusion.
Estimated number of Game of Thrones readers who have died
We know there are a lot of deaths in Game of Thrones, but…