Gerrymandering doesn’t sound like an especially sexy topic, but it’s an important one…
Nathan Yau
Math to fix gerrymandering, explained in comic
Visualizing nonlinear stories
Many stories don’t follow a linear format. There are flashbacks, or multiple timelines…
Days Without a Mass Shooting
Unfortunately, while of varying magnitude, mass shootings are somewhat regular in the United States.
Logos drawn from memory
Signs asked 150 people to draw famous logos — Apple, Starbucks, Burger King,…
Machine learning demo with your webcam and GIFs
The Teachable Machine from Støj, Use All Five, and Google is a fun…
LaVar Ball trolling to the top, through a tweet count lens
I didn’t know who LaVar Ball was, and suddenly, it was non-stop sports…
Triangulate a picture
Triangulate, a fun tool made by Michael Freeman, lets you upload a picture…
How fake data goes viral
BuzzFeed describes how an article on Daily Mail — that falsely reported claims…
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How I Made That: Interactive Beeswarm Chart to Compare Distributions
The histogram is my favorite chart type, but it’s unintuitive for many. So I’ve been using the less accurate but less abstract beeswarm.
Nine rounds a second sonified
The New York Times used sonification along with a dot plot to demonstrate…
Mass exodus at human scale
Big numbers are too abstract in our minds to fully understand the scale…
Grid map variations
Grid maps are a useful way to show state-level data, as they give…
Falling is Learning
I’ve been teaching my three-year-old son how to ride his bike on two…
Hand-drawn short trip
Have you seen this yet? Illustrator Alexander Perrin experimented with bringing a hand-drawn…
Given your income, most beneficial tax breaks
With the release of the Republican proposed tax plan, Reuben Fischer-Baum and Kevin…
LEGO world map
Check out this five-foot long LEGO world map.
[W]e wanted to have a… -
R or Python? →
Big community and lots of tools for both.
Who Earns More Income in American Households?
Compared to 1970, a shift towards women making the higher income.
Time map shows locations based on how long it takes to get there
With the premise that we often search for locations based on how long…
Thermal structure of Hurricane Maria
Hurricane Maria touched down in Puerto Rico. This visualization by Joshua Stevens at…