Here are all the playoff threes he’s made in his playoff career, plus some R code.
Nathan Yau
Damian Lillard’s Game-Winner in Context
When bad data leads to a disappearing neighborhood
Caitlin Dewey for OneZero describes the case of the Fruit Belt neighborhood in…
Does the first to 100 points usually win in the NBA?
Los Angeles Clippers commentator Ralph Lawler has a saying: “First to 100 wins.…
Members Only
How to Make a Moving Bubble Chart, Based on a Dataset
Ooo, bubbles… It’s not the most visually efficient method, but it’s one of the more visually satisfying ones.
Stephen Curry scores every arena’s popcorn
I marked this article for later reading. It’s about Stephen Curry’s love of…
A more detailed view of the Mueller Report
By now we’ve all seen the zoomed out thumbnail view of the Mueller…
Explore generative models and latent space with a simple spreadsheet interface
Generative models can seem like a magic box where you plug in observed…
The redacted version (pdf) of the Mueller report was released today. Here’s the…
DataCamp noindex (The Process #36)
The welcoming nature of the data community was one of the reasons I switched to Statistics. Let’s keep it that way.
Exploring data to form better questions
Feeding off the words of John Tukey, Roger Peng proposes a search for…
What happened at Notre-Dame
Notre-Dame in Paris, France was on fire. The New York Times describes what…
Facial recognition machine for $60
For The New York Times, Sahil Chinoy on privacy and how easy it…
Percentage of Households in Each Income Level
What percentage of households fall into lower-, middle-, and upper-income levels when you adjust for household size?
Comparing the potential cost of Medicare for everyone
For The Upshot, Josh Katz, Kevin Quealy, and Margot Sanger-Katz, consulted economists to…
What Qualifies as Middle-Income in Each State
The meaning of “middle-income” changes a lot depending on where you live and your household size.
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Shifting to Responsive Charts, Tools for Mobile (The Process #35)
In this issue I go over my somewhat delayed shift towards making charts that work in different screen sizes and the tools that work for me.
Contrasting social media Democrats to real life
As many know (I hope), what we see on social media often doesn’t…
All of the deaths in Game of Thrones
A few years back, The Washington Post illustrated every death in Game of…
Issues Democratic hopefuls are talking about on social media
For the Washington Post, Kevin Schaul and Kevin Uhrmacher parsed the social media…
Bad data from a faulty sensor on the Boeing 737 Max
The New York Times illustrated what likely happened in the Ethiopian Airlines and…