If you’ve taken classes that cover image processing, you’ve likely come across the…
Tracking the Lenna image
NBA carry jobs
With professional basketball, we often hear about carry jobs. There’s one star player…
Analysis of color names used with makeup
For The Pudding, Ofunne Amaka and Amber Thomas looked at shades, words, and…
Teaching statistical models with wine tasting
For The Pudding, Lars Verspohl provides an introduction to statistical models disguised as…
A.I. love story
Pamela Miskhin, in collaboration with The Pudding, wrote a love story. It’s not…
Comparing live music recordings against the studio versions
There’s something about hearing music live no matter how many times you’ve heard…
Historical cost of light
These days, most of us don’t have to do much to turn on…
Analysis of representation in crossword puzzles
For The Pudding, Michelle McGhee analyzed representation in crossword puzzles. Some crossword publications…
Reconstructing protests in Minneapolis using hundreds of livestreams
From a distance, it’s difficult to build an understanding of the scale and…
Telling stories in visual, data-driven essays
For The Pudding, Ilia Blinderman rounds out his three-part series on creating visual,…
Defining ’90s music, based on song recognition
In search of songs that define music in the 1990s, Matt Daniels and…
Words used to describe men and women’s bodies in literature
Authors tend to focus on different body parts for men and women, and…
Karen equivalents, based on name data
The name Karen. It’s not a common baby name these days. It peaked…
Looking for generational gaps in music
Inspired by the genre of YouTube videos where younger people listen to older…
Testing the infinite monkey theorem
If you have a room of monkeys hitting keys on typewriters for an…
How people laugh online
Laughter online is full of nuances. A capitalization of some letters or a…
Celebrity name spelling test
Colin Morris culled common misspellings on Reddit and made the data available on…
Population mountains
You’ve seen the maps of population density. You’ve seen the jokes. But you…
Increasing similarity of Billboard songs
Popular songs on the Billboard charts always tended to sound similar, but these…