Elizabeth Barber was in a long-distance relationship, and Strava was a way for…
Results for beer
Tracking her boyfriend on Strava
12 Days of ChaRt-mas
As everyone has already checked out for the rest of the year, I’m going to mess around with R to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas and nobody can stop me.
Choropleth Map
Legal Drinking Age Around the World
As you probably know, different countries have different legal age limits for drinking…
What Alcohol People Around the World Drink
Americans get most of their alcohol from beer, but it’s not like that everywhere.
All the National Food Days
Keep track of the 214 days out of the year that are a national food or drink days.
How Much Alcohol Americans Drink
Most people have one or two drinks on average, but some consume much more.
This was the second year of doing FlowingData full-time and everything seems to be running smoothly. Also: I feel really old.
Top Brewery Road Trip, Routed Algorithmically
There are a lot of great craft breweries in the United States, but there is only so much time. This is the computed best way to get to the top rated breweries and how to maximize the beer tasting experience. Every journey begins with a single sip.
I’m doing a Reddit AMA
I’m doing a Reddit AMA tomorrow hosted by the DataIsBeautiful subreddit. It’ll be at 1:30pm EST on August 27, 2015.
Map of literary road trips
Ever wanted to follow in the footsteps of a famous writer or literary…
The big companies behind organic food brands
When you walk down the aisles of the grocery store, there are probably…
Gallons of water to produce foods
With all the talk recently about how much water it takes to grow…
Annual Performance Review
I love my work. However, I miss out on great things as a…
Collection of physical visualizations
I’m pretty sure there’s a ton of untapped potential in data represented physically.…
A decade of Yelp review trends →
Yelp released an amusing tool that lets you see how the use of…
19 Maps That Will Blow Your Mind and Change the Way You See the World. Top All-time. You Won’t Believe Your Eyes. Watch.
Many lists of maps promise to change the way you see the world, but this one actually does.
Where Bars Outnumber Grocery Stores
A closer look at the age old question of where there are more bars than grocery stores, and vice versa.
Regional macrobrews
FloatingSheep pointed their Twitter geography towards beer (and wine).
From Sam Adams in… -
Data and visualization year in review, 2013
Visualization continues to mature and focus more on the data it represents than on novel designs and size. Let’s have a look back.