With the election tomorrow, Mike Bostock and Shan Carter for the New York…
Telling stories with data and graphics.
All possible paths to the White House
Urine wheel to diagnose disease
Some days you take a whiff it’s easy: “Yep. Definitely had asparagus last…
History of Earth in 24-hour clock
I’m not sure where this is originally from, but I found it on…
Review: The Functional Art
Alberto Cairo’s newly translated book on information graphics, The Functional Art, is a…
Words used at the National Conventions
The elections season is in full swing, and the New York Times graphics…
Evolution of video game controllers →
From the department of old-but-new-to-me, Pop Chart Lab charted the evolution of video…
Portal 2 timelines →
I’ve never played Portal 2 (or the first), but I suspect some of…
Track and field Olympic performances in perspective →
We’ve been hearing Olympic records rattled off for the past week, but it’s…
Was an Olympic record set today? →
From the Guardian US, a simple site that tells you if a record…
Olympic event nuances explained →
A lot of Olympic events are over and done with in a few…
Swimsuit technology and breaking world records
The Washington Post has a fine graphic on swimming world records and the…
Evolution of the Formula One car, animated
Animator and illustrator Rufus Blacklock animated 60 years of Formula One race car…
The Higgs Boson explained by PhD Comics
Don’t know what the Higgs Boson is (or even how to pronounce it)?…
Electricity bill redesigned
The electricity bill (or all utility bills, really) haven’t changed much over the…
The Louis C.K. pain chart
Vulture illustrated the subtle changes in Louis C.K.’s face to express varying levels…
Growth of the basketball uniform
In the 1960s, the basketball uniform was about small, tight shorts and form-fitting…
Pulp Fiction presented in chronological order
Smith hopes to put it print. Currently in Kickstarter mode.…
Bourdieu’s Food Space chart, from fast food to French Laundry
In Pierre Bourdieu’s Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste from…