Packing underwear for a short trip is easy. You just pack a pair…
Statistical Visualization
Finding patterns, distributions, and anomalies.
How much underwear to bring on a trip →
FoamTree: Visualize hierarchical data with a lot of groups
For small-ish amounts of hierarchical data, most JavaScript libraries can handle the load.…
xkcd: Dominant players in chess and basketball →
I’m pretty sure xkcd is the only one who gets away with showing…
Birth year and political leanings →
A statistical model, from Yair Ghitza of Catalist and Andrew Gelman of Columbia…
Drone crash database →
Based on data compiled from a combination of military records, Defense Department records,…
Percentage of degrees conferred to men, by major
Based on estimates from the National Center for Education Statistics, Randy Olson plotted…
Employment-to-population ratios →
The Upshot posted an interesting chart that shows changing employment rate by state.…
A visual analysis of the Boston subway system
For a graduate project, Michael Barry and Brian Card explored the Boston subway…
NFL players getting bigger
Football players are getting bigger. Noah Veltman, a developer for the WNYC Data…
A decade of college degrees
North by Northwestern looked closer at degrees awarded by their university over the…
Distribution of letters in the English language
Some letters in the English language appear more often in the beginning of…
Tron-style dashboard shows Wikipedia and GitHub streams
As a fun learning exercise, Rob Scanlon made a dashboard that shows GitHub…
Your income versus what it feels like →
Incomes and the cost of living vary across the country. Some areas might…
Alcohol consumption per drinker
We’ve seen rankings for alcohol consumption per capita around the world. These tend…
Views of white Americans
In light of the Donald Sterling brouhaha, Amanda Cox for The Upshot put…
How people die in America
Matthew Klein for Bloomberg View explored mortality in America through a slidedeck of…
Five decades of warm and cold weather anomalies
This year’s polar vortex churned up some global warming skeptics, but as we…
Graph TV shows ratings by episode
Kevin Wu made a straightforward interactive that lets you see IMDB television ratings…