
Graphics by Nathan Yau, borne out of everyday curiosities, learning experiments, and mild insomnia.

Most Common Daily Routines

We all have our routines, but from person-to-person, the daily schedule changes a lot depending on your responsibilities.

How Much Women and Men Work

This chart shows the shifts since 1960.

Television Genres Over Time

Here's how the distribution of genres has changed since 1945 up to present.

How the Longest Running Shows Rated Over Episodes

Most television shows don't get past the first season, but there are some that manage to stick around. These are the 175 longest running shows on IMDb that have ratings.

Age and Occupation

Whether it’s because of experience, physical ability, or education level, some jobs tend towards a certain age of worker more than others.

How Men and Women Spend Their Days

Using an oldie but goodie visualization format to look at time use between different groups.

Where Americans Live

Everyone gets a dot. You get a dot. And you get a dot. And you.

How Much More Time We Spent at Home

We had to do more from home. Here's how much everything shifted by total minutes in a day.

Cycle of Many, a 24-hour snapshot for a day in the life of Americans

This is a 24-hour snapshot for a day in the life of Americans.

Daily Routine, 2020

After looking at how much time we spent on daily activities in 2020, let's look at when we spent our time.

How We Spent Our Time in 2020 Versus 2019

Our everyday routines changed over the past year, and with the 2020 American Time Use Survey, we can see by how much.

Counting Happiness and Where it Comes From

Researchers asked 10,000 participants to list ten things that recently made them happy. I counted and connected the dots.

Seeing How Much We Ate Over the Years

How long will chicken reign supreme? Who wins between lemon and lime? Is nonfat ice cream really ice cream? Does grapefruit ever make a comeback? Find out in these charts.

Jobs that Marry Together the Most

Find out which jobs most often pair together among married couples.

Coming and Going Age Generations

Since no one has figured out how to defeat time, age generations come and go. This chart shows the generational breakdowns since 1920.