Yahoo User Interface 2.4.0 was recently released which includes the new YUI Charts…
Nathan Yau
Yahoo Charts Control Library Now Available
Human Flows Protoype is Online Now
I made a few tweaks and our humanflows visualization prototypes are now online.…
Transcript Analyzer for Republican Debate
The New York Times recently put up a cool data exploration tool to…
Three Designers, a Statistician, and Migration Inflows Data
After two weeks at Visualizar, I’m back in the United States. It’s good…
A Few More Days Left at Visualizar
I feel like it’s been forever since my last post, so I just…
Sharing Personal Data to Push Social Data Analysis
I’m staying in a hostel here in Madrid and am currently in the…
My First Couple of Days in Madrid
It’s been a couple of days here in Madrid. It’s about 6:00am in…
San Francisco Police Department Incident Reporting and Analysis Tool
I came across the San Francisco Police Department Incident and Reporting Tool, and…
Fast Food Restaurant Menu Items Compared
We all know fast food is incredibly bad for us and yet we…
News Flowing Through Moveable Type at The New York Times Building
Every day during the summer I walked past “Moveable Type” in The New…
Many Eyes Now Has Better Mapping Visualization
Many Eyes now has more detailed mapping functionality with the help of ESRI…
Headed to Spain for the Visualizar Workshop
When people I know can’t decide whether or not go to graduate school,…
Graphwise: Crawling the Web for Tabulated Data
Graphwise launched a few weeks ago, but I’m just hearing about it now,…
100 Reasons You Should Be Interested in, Want to Share, and Get Excited About Data
When I talk about data, people often zone out or don’t really see…
US Demographics Visualizer Using Virtual Earth
While on the topic of maps here’s a Microsoft Virtual Earth mashup —…
Leland Wilkinson on Bloatware
I have not yet achieved that elusive zero-byte graphics program, but I do…
Business of Death Video from GOOD Magazine
GOOD Magazine is really growing on me. Have you subscribed yet? All of…
Join Eco-Viz Challenges to Raise Environmental Awareness
Eyebeam, an art and technology research center, has posted two eco-viz challenges to…
Watch the Money Clock to See What You’ve Earned
Despite being surrounded with ads, this money clock was kind of, um, interesting.…
Use Flare Visualization Toolkit to Build Interactive Viz for the Web
Tom from Stamen Design and Hadley from the GGobi group kindly pointed me…