To tell a complete and meaningful story, you need to have and provide all the context.
Nathan Yau
Why Did Andy Dufresne Escape from Shawshank?
What Field of Expertise Do You Study or Work In? [POLL RESULTS]
Thank you to everyone who responded to last week’s poll: What Field of…
NewsWare Launches to Explore and Interact with News on
NewsWare was launched yesterday on It’s a set of apps, games, and…
American Consumers Spend More Money On Cheese than On Computers
In a deviation from the usual pie chart and standard tree map, this…
Weekend Minis for Your Lazy, Relaxing Weekend
Visualization Criticism – A criticism on the criticism on visualization. Robert Kosara, Fritz…
What Field of Expertise Do You Study or Work In? [POLL]
People from lots of different fields have emailed me during the course of…
Chart of the Day: A Breakdown of Facebook Applications
Of the 23,160 Facebook applications, I use about 5, but I probably wouldn’t…
Love, Hate, Think, Believe, Feel and Wish on Twitter
Inspired by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar’s We Feel Fine, and using data…
Why Should Engineers and Scientists Care About Color (and Design)?
I studied electrical engineering and computer science in undergrad and now as a…
All 26 Million Road Segments in Continental United States
Ben Fry maps every road segment in All Streets, according to the U.S.…
Data and Statistics For Human Rights
Patrick Ball, a human rights statistician, finds truth in numbers while analyzing and…
Poverty Statistics that Make Sense – Welcome to Povertyville and Slumtown
Dan Beech represents worldwide poverty in this video, which is actually a 3-dimensional…
Write a Guest Post for FlowingData
Early next month, I’m going to be traveling a bit. I’m headed back…
Rolling Out Your Own Online Maps and Graphs with HTML/CSS
Wilson Miner and Paul Smith, two co-founders of Everyblock, post tutorials and a…
Showing the Obama-Clinton Divide in Decision Tree Infographic
Amanda Cox, of The New York Times, made another excellent graphic (and I…
Hierarchical Glossary as Interactive Network Graphs
Moritz has been working on visualization of a hierarchical glossary carefully named “Glossary…
How to Learn Actionscript (Flash) for Data Visualization
Tips on how to learn this language for online visualization.
Facebook Lexicon – Trends for Writings on the Wall
Facebook recently released Lexicon which is like a Google Trends or Technorati for…
3 Rules of Thumb When Designing Visualization
Bernard Kerr, the lead designer for, gave an interesting talk (below) focused…
Atheist Statistics For 2008 – Do You Believe These?
This video shows statistics centered around atheism, claiming that atheism is correlated with…