Detailed article if you want to learn to analyze words
Nathan Yau
Where to start with text mining →
Character social networks in movies
We’ve seen a lot of network charts for Twitter, Facebook, and real people.…
Closed-Source Software →
SAS clinging on as free and often better alternatives take marketshare [via]
Clockwork Raven →
Open source Mechanical Turk application by Twitter engineering that lets you easily submit data for review
Coolness graphed
Along the same lines as Jessica Hagy’s indexed charts, Coolness Graphed charts only…
csvjson →
Converts a CSV file into JSON or GeoJSON [via]
The Subway Map That Rattled New Yorkers →
It’s not geographically accurate, but it wasn’t meant to be
Hand-crafted data →
Data Stories has Stefanie Posavec on as guest; she makes intricate pieces without code
Disney Research makes plants interactive
Botanicus Interacticus from Disney Research turns plants into multi-touch surfaces, simply by placing…
Evolution of video game controllers →
From the department of old-but-new-to-me, Pop Chart Lab charted the evolution of video…
Statisticians need better marketing →
So much hype and funding for big data, but statistics as a field of study seems to be lost
Meryl Streep scatterplot →
Vulture plotted Meryl Streep’s character faces on a cold-warm, frivolous-serious scatterplot. Sure, why…
Visualizing Hadoop →
Twitter releases HDFS-DU to explore what’s going on in your clusters
Data Jujitsu →
Don’t like the title, but the (free) report could be worthwhile
Network analysis on high school hierarchy of friends
Brian Ball and M. E. J. Newman analyzed friendship data from a high…
Too many bars →
Improving on gradient-filled bar charts with clarity [via]
Politics of eating out →
Mostly a correlation with geography
Piecon →
Easy way to add a pie chart as your favicon, to update loading progress
Olympic stars of Twitter →
Streamgraph seems to be growing into de facto chart type for Twitter trends
Another bad Fox chart →
They just need to learn how to use bar charts