For the folks who have to make graphics for all devices under the…
Nathan Yau
Convert Adobe Illustrator files to HTML and CSS
Bivariate choropleth how-to
Your standard choropleth map shows geographic areas colored by a single variable. You’re…
Find the fastest flight between airports
Flight arrival and departure times are often thought of in terms of “on…
Health data breaches and fines
Sisi Wei and Charles Ornstein for ProPublica highlight reported data breaches to the…
Mathematics of love
Mathematician Hannah Fry talks about love in terms of three “mathematically verifiable” tips:…
Multi-layered storytelling with visualization
Quick and simple. It is a common theme in visualization that preaches clarity…
Decline of workers’ compensation
Workers’ Compensation, a promise to pay medical bills and some of your wages…
Algorithmic search for a girlfriend
Sharif Corinaldi moved from New York to Berkeley for graduate school and was…
Girl Scout cookies differ by region
The Girl Scouts, known for their annual cookie sales, uses two bakers. These…
On Broadway shows city life through data cross-sections
On Broadway, by Daniel Goddemeyer, Moritz Stefaner, Dominikus Baur, and Lev Manovich, provides…
Face sculptures using DNA from chewed gum
In her 2012 piece Stranger Visions, Heather Dewey-Hagborg used DNA found in public…
Dater’s Index
By Emily McDowell, this recounting of dates initiated by the internet is funny.…
DNA face estimation
Parabon NanoLabs is working on a service that provides face estimates using DNA…
Best time to visit DMV
I think there are people who still go to the Department of Motor…
R site updated
The R site has a new face. It looked dated for years —…
Members Only
How to Make and Use Bar Charts in R
The chart type seems simple enough, but there sure are a lot of bad ones out there. Get yourself out of default mode.
Probably not a heat map
A heat map is a grid of numbers colored by value. I wrote…
Where to Find Jeopardy! Daily Doubles
Placement of Daily Double clues, from season 1 to 31. Watch them play out.
Madden ratings formula
In football video game Madden, NFL players are scored based on skill, which…
rvest: R package to scrape web data
Inspired by the Python libraries RoboBrowser and BeautifulSoup, the rvest package by Hadley…