Here’s a fun piece from Stephanie Merry and Shelly Tan for The Washington…
Washington Post
The range of Meryl Streep
Oil and gas wells in the United States
Tim Meko and Laris Karklis for The Washington Post take a dive into…
Change in rain, 2016
In some areas of the United States it poured down rain, which caused…
Electoral college and state population representation weights
By design, the electoral college and population don’t quite match up state-by-state. This…
American infrastructure mapped
I can always find time to enjoy me some minimal maps. Tim Meko…
Increasing diversity
Dan Keating and Laris Karklis for The Washington Post map the change in…
Peaks and valleys of presidential support
This is some fine map work by Lazaro Gamio and Dan Keating for…
Trump bar chart baselines are the worst baselines. Sad.
The Donald Trump campaign has a habit of highlighting poll results with a…
Shifting Clinton and Trump support for different demographic groups
Using data from their Washington Post-ABC News polling, the Washington Post compares shifting…
NFL draft pick quality for your team
Despite what commentators and sports analysts might have you think, picking great players…
Rising death rates for white women
Overall life expectancy continues to increase, but looking at it from the other…
Mass shootings count – Depends on your definition
With recent events, you’ve likely seen the articles and graphics that get into…
Water scroller
Here’s a nice scroller from Katie Park for the Washington Post. It shows…
United States electricity map
The Washington Post mapped power plants in the United States by type and…
Upgraded self, but there’s a catch
With wearables and cheaper and advancing tech, the how part of personal data…
The big companies behind organic food brands
When you walk down the aisles of the grocery store, there are probably…
A tall graphic to show Mt. Everest scale
Mt. Everest is a tall mountain. How tall is it?? Glad you asked.…
Every Game of Thrones death
I hear there’s a show called “Game of Thrones” on the T.V., where…
Map of global carbon emissions
Using data from the Earth System Research Laboratory of the National Oceanic and…
A beard scale for baseball
There are a lot of beards and other types of facial hair in…