Stefanie Posavec and Miriam Quick have a new book out called I am…
Bringing data into the real world.
I am a book. I am a portal to the universe.
Climate change displayed, with shower tiles
Based on a chart by Ed Hawkins, the shower wall of Gretchen Goldman…
Blanket visualizes daily high and low temperatures
Reddit user quantum-kate used daily high and low temperatures in Denver in 1992…
Faking traffic on Google Maps with a wagon of 99 smartphones
Google Maps incorporates data from smartphones to estimate traffic in any given location.…
3-D-Printed Time Series Plates
After seeing a 1950s physical visualization, I wondered if I could follow a similar process using modern techniques.
Visualizations using Play-Doh
We usually visualize data on computers, because it’s where the data exists and…
Scale model shows how levees increase flooding
Levees are intended to prevent flooding in the areas they are built, but…
Comparison of terms and conditions lengths
Most of us don’t read the terms and conditions before we click on…
Doug Mills, reporting for The New York Times:
Echoing his days as a… -
Looking for patterns and structures from the sky
Photographer Bernhard Lang takes pictures in small planes and helicopters, pointing his camera…
Catching a real ball in virtual reality
Man wears virtual reality headset. Another man throws a ball to headset-wearing man.…
Watch bacteria evolve resistance to antibiotic
Scientists at Harvard University setup the MEGA-plate, essentially a giant petri dish, with…
Pythagorean theorem water demo
This is years old, but it still tickles the neurons every time. It’s…
Fun in exchange for personal data
Sensible Data by Martin Hertig is an installation that asks what personal data…
Gravity visualized in physics demo
Properties of time and space using marbles and two large pieces of spandex sewn together in a classroom demonstration.
Turn a two-way mirror into an information display
Here’s a fun project to try over the weekend. Hannah Mitt and Andrew…
3-D paper model of a shrinking sea
The Aral Sea in Uzbekistan, formerly one of the largest lakes in the…
Entire English Wikipedia in physical print
The exhibit From Aaaaa! to ZZZap! opened last week with a hit of…
Getting bees to construct geographic maps
In an exploration of the connection between humans an nature, artist Ren Ri…
Brewing Multivariate Beer
I was toying around with the idea of multivariate beer, where the ingredients varied by county demographics. Could I taste the difference? Here’s how the experiment went.