Data visualization continues to grow online and in the real world. It exists…
Results for amanda cox
5 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year
Map of Olympic Medals in Bubble + Geographic Form
Lee Byron, Amanda Cox and Matthew Ericson of the New York Times graphics…
Voting Breakdown for Democratic Presidential Primaries
The above New York Times graphic shows where each candidate got his or…
American Consumers Spend More Money On Cheese than On Computers
In a deviation from the usual pie chart and standard tree map, this…
Showing the Obama-Clinton Divide in Decision Tree Infographic
Amanda Cox, of The New York Times, made another excellent graphic (and I…
Ebb and Flow of Box Office Receipts Over Past 20 Years
The New York Times puts out another good one in this graphic for the talkies.
How to ask for datasets
There’s a lot of data readily available online. We know this. However, there’s…