Important question: Is animation in visualization even worthwhile? Well, it depends. Surprise, surprise. In this issue, I look at animation in data visualization, its uses, and how I like to think about it when I implement moving data.
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Uses for Animation in Charts and Animating Your Own Data
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Better than Default
Defaults are generalizations to fit many datasets, which means you usually get barebone charts. For analysis, all well and good. However, data graphics for presentation require more care after the initial output.
A visual analysis of jean pockets and their lack of practicality
Frustrated with the size of pockets on women’s pants, Jan Diehm and Amber…
Why People Make Bad Charts (and What to Do When it Happens)
It’s important to consider the reasons so that we don’t overreact. Otherwise, we’re just berating, pointing, and laughing all of the time, and that’s not good for anyone.
Best Data Visualization Projects of 2016
Here are my favorites for the year.
Voting habits for various demographic groups
Voter turnout and political leanings for various demographic groups play an important role…
10 Best Data Visualization Projects of 2015
These are my picks for the best of 2015. As usual, they could easily appear in a different order on a different day, and there are projects not on the list that were also excellent.
Working with R at the New York Times
Amanda Cox from the New York Times was on the Data Stories podcast.…
Compare your curve to reality for income versus college attendance
Those who grow up in poorer families are less likely to go to…
Married couple tax bonuses and penalties
Using calculations by Nick Kasprak from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities…
3-D chart for economy’s future
People like to poke fun at 3-D charts, mostly because they don’t work…
Japan fertility rate forecasts versus reality
It’s hard to predict the future, especially when humans are involved. Oftentimes, there…
Increasing rates of men who don’t work
Recent data from the Census Bureau suggests the rate of non-working men has…
Birth year and political leanings →
A statistical model, from Yair Ghitza of Catalist and Andrew Gelman of Columbia…
Views of white Americans
In light of the Donald Sterling brouhaha, Amanda Cox for The Upshot put…
The Upshot, a data-centric site from The New York Times launched
We heard a little bit about The Upshot last month. Now we get…
Data and visualization year in review, 2013
Visualization continues to mature and focus more on the data it represents than on novel designs and size. Let’s have a look back.
Price of Damien Hirst spot paintings →
Damien Hirst is an artist known for a number of works, one of…
A bar chart would be better
There’s a strand of the data viz world that argues that everything could…
Pope face composite
With Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation, 116 cardinals from various regions have to come…