Amanda Cox is the new data editor for The New York Times:
Results for amanda cox
Amanda Cox promoted to New York Times data editor
Amanda Cox is new editor of The Upshot
So great and well-deserved.
Why Amanda Cox should be in charge of audio →
Process for finding the right sound just for a few seconds of audio
Amanda Cox wins ASA Excellence Award →
Well-deserved. Also see her talk at EyeO this year
Interview with Amanda Cox →
Her workflow at NYT
Amanda Cox on data graphics and stuff
At New Media Days 2010, New York Times graphics editor Amanda Cox talks…
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Visualization Tools and Resources, August 2024 Roundup
Every month I collect tools and resources to help you make better charts. This is the good stuff for August 2024.
Bar Chart Alternatives
Open to access this content…
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Visually Inefficient
Trading optimized visual efficiency in charts for joy and interest.
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A Bar Chart Would Be Worse – The Process 155
Bar charts are the simple answer. Maybe you’re not looking for simple though.
Comparison of Biden infrastructure plan and updated bipartisan plan
Aatish Bhatia and Quoctrung Bui for NYT’s The Upshot made the comparison using…
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Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, April 2021 Roundup
Here’s the good stuff for April 2021.
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The Process 118 – Maybe a Bar Chart Really Would Be Better
As visualization practitioners, we tend to sway towards the novel, but bar charts are still good.
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Big Money You Can Relate To (The Process #76)
This week, a few projects went up on the internets about money and spending, each with different goals and approaches. In this issue of The Process, we look at each more closely.
Weight gain lines
From Kim Warp for The New Yorker. Ha. Ha. It’s funny because it’s…
Predicting whether you are Democrat or Republican
The New York Times is in a quizzy mood lately. Must be all…
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Failure to Communicate (The Process #47)
It’s about purpose. It’s about who your work is for. It’s about what you’re trying to show.
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Visualization Tools, Datasets, and Resources – March 2019 Roundup (The Process #34)
Every month I collect practical resources, new tools, code, and datasets. Here’s the good stuff for March.
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Making Data “Come Alive”, Needs More Cowbell
“How do I make my data come alive? I want it to sing. I want it to dance.” Here are some ways to achieve that.
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Tools I Am Thankful for That Make Data Work Easier
In the spirit of the holidays, here are the tools I am most thankful for. Without them, work would be much more tedious and painful.