Bar Chart

The old standby. The classic. The bar height or length represents data. The baseline starts at zero.

How Much Alcohol Americans Drink

Most people have one or two drinks on average, but some consume much more.

Who Still Smokes?

Two decades out from the first statewide ban on smoking in enclosed workplaces, here's who still smokes.

How You Will Die

So far we've seen when you will die and how other people tend to die. Now let's put the two together to see how and when you will die, given your sex, race, and age.

How to Make an Interactive Bar Chart With a Slider

Provide a slider for the standard bar chart so that users can shift focus to a point of interest.

Most Common Use of Time, By Age and Sex

Typical time use varies by who you talk to. This interactive shows you the differences when you vary age and sex.

Bar Chart Baselines Start at Zero

There are visualization rules and there are visualization suggestions. Most are suggestions. The ones that are rules exist because of how our brains process visual information. There's just no getting around it.

Why time flies when you’re older

When you’re a kid, a year seems like forever. Appending “and a half”…

How to Make Variable Width Bar Charts in R

The code to create these bar chart variations is almost the same as if you were to make a standard bar chart. But make sure you get the math right.

Reviving the Statistical Atlas of the United States with New Data

Due to budget cuts, there is no plan for an updated atlas. So I recreated the original 1870 Atlas using today's publicly available data.

State Income Tax Brackets Charted

I’m sure you finished your taxes months ago, but here’s a chart of…

How to Make and Use Bar Charts in R

The chart type seems simple enough, but there sure are a lot of bad ones out there. Get yourself out of default mode.

Increasing rates of men who don’t work

Recent data from the Census Bureau suggests the rate of non-working men has…

Baseline matters

Sweet, I guess Fox News had it right all along. I’m going to…

Fox News bar chart gets it wrong

Because Fox News. See also this, this, and this. [Thanks, Meron]…

The safest time to drive

As we’ve seen, there are more fatal car crashes during the weekend and…

Doctor timeline for Doctor Who

I have yet to see a full episode of Doctor Who, “the longest-running…

What America spends on food and drink

How much more (or less) money do you spend on groceries than you do on dining out? Bundle, a new online destination that aims to describe how we spend money, takes a look at the grocery-dining out breakdown in major cities.