Look! More size of very big things with large numbers, compared against things…
Telling stories with data and graphics.
Relative size of astronomy stuff
Halloween costume rankings
Accompanying their segment on Halloween stores stocking costumes, NPR ranks bestsellers for the…
Visual summary of skateboarding tournament
George Murphy visualized the results of this year’s skateboarding tournament Battle at the…
F1 racing winners and age
So here’s a sport I don’t see or hear much about. F1 racing,…
Your life on Earth
The BBC has a fun piece that shows changes over your lifetime. Enter…
A healthy versus unhealthy office environment
In an interesting use of the before-and-after slider, this Washington Post graphic by…
Ebola spreading, a simulation
As a way to understand the deadliness and spread of Ebola, the Washington…
Skateboard physics
Aatish Bhatia, a recent physics PhD, describes the forces involved to do a…
Interracial and same-sex marriage parallels
xkcd doing what xkcd does. Randall Munroe charts a brief timeline of interracial…
Big chicken
From Vox and research from Zuidhof et al., chickens are quite big these…
No Ceilings highlights progress towards gender equality
No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project, an initiative from the Clinton Foundation, aims…
How search works
Google explained the process of a web search with a scrolling infographic. Might…
Powers of Ten, Derek Jeter style
You’ve likely seen the classic Powers of Ten video from 1977. It starts…
Extinctions and animal species at risk
Data journalist Anna Flagg for ProPublica reported on animal species at higher risk…
Dinosaurs versus airplane
Scientists found the fossils of a giant dinosaur that they estimate was 26…
Style over function for redesigned choking posters
In many parts of the country, the departments of health require that eating…
Race distributions of police departments versus residents →
When you compare distributions of race for police departments and for the residents…
Interactive tool shows impact of terrorism
The Global Terrorism Database, maintained by the University of Maryland, is an open…