There’s a lot of data on criminal justice — prison populations, crime rates,…
More than mean, median, and mode.
Catalog of criminal justice data
Yahoo News feed dataset for researchers →
A big ol’ dataset on interaction with the list of news items on the homepage.
Game: Guess the correlation
Guess the Correlation is a straightforward game where you do just that, and…
Playing with fonts using neural networks
Erik Bernhardsson downloaded 50,000 fonts and then threw them to the neural networks…
Missing 11th of the month
David Hagan looked closer at why the 11th of the month appeared to…
Kaggle Datasets for a place to converge on public data
Kaggle just opened up a Datasets section to download and analyze public data.…
Nerdy Powerball FAQ
The Powerball FAQ was most likely written by a slightly annoyed statistician. You’d…
Data on people who went to ER for wall-punching
Keith Collins for Quartz ran some quick numbers for people who visited the…
NYPL public domain data
The New York Public Library just made over 180,000 digital items in the…
Try to win the lottery
The Powerball Lottery is big news in the United States right now. The…
Analysis of Love Actually
Forget about Shakespeare. Let’s look at a real classic: Love Actually. Somehow I…
Police violence incident data
There isn’t a complete government record for people killed by police, which is…
The most misleading charts of 2015, fixed →
Suggestions. Not just snark.
Guide for dealing with bad data
Enter the real world of data and statistics, and you find that files…
How various demographic groups can change the election result
Does your vote matter? Aaron Bycoffe and David Wasserman for FiveThirtyEight provide an…
Numbers quiz tests how well you know your country
In their annual survey that tests public perception against reality, Ipsos Mori asked…
Sunset quality forecasting
Forget temperature and rain weather forecasts. I want to know when the sunset…
Metadata surveillance investigation
Metadata can tell you a lot, and most of us agree that it’s…
Meat and cancer
Why we should make a note but not freak out about it.
Neural Network for selfie analysis
To introduce Convolutional Neural Networks, Andrej Karpathy looked at millions of selfies, left…