Mr. Dalliard provides this handy flowchart to organize time travel movies. And yes,…
Telling stories with data and graphics.
Flowchart for movie time travel →
Orbiting planets found by NASA Kepler mission
The Kepler mission by NASA has discovered more than 100 planets that orbit…
Wealth distribution in America
This video clearly describes the distribution of wealth in America using a set…
Personal space per person in various countries
How much space is there per person in different countries? Andrew Bergmann for…
Distance to Mars
Long distances (and big numbers) can be difficult grasp. Designers Jesse Williams and…
How a cab driver makes money
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, cab drivers and chauffeurs make a…
Deleted Slides
Science graphics editor Jonathan Corum of The New York Times is great at distilling complex ideas for a wide audience. He gave a talk at Tapestry a while back. He also recently put up his deleted slides.
How to be Interesting by Jessica Hagy
Jessica Hagy, the one who made Venn diagrams on index cards popular, has…
Choosing the right seat →
It can be tricky picking the right seat at a dinner party. So…
A dissection of movie trailers →
Shan Carter, Amanda Cox, and Mike Bostock for The New York Times, analyzed…
A visual exploration of US gun murders
Information visualization firm Periscopic just published a thoughtful interactive piece on gun murders…
Dogs of NYC →
Map of most popular dog names and types by area
Billionaires of the world ranked and charted
How wealthy are the richest people in the world? How do they compare…
Vintage American Infographics →
Small collection of graphics from mid-19th century
Treasure island of infographic textbooks →
A look back on an old collection
Flowchart: Gandalf problem solving →
The Lotr Project breaks down the thought process in the magical mind.…
How a Civil War Vet Invented the American Infographic →
Creator of the first Statistical Atlas of the United States
Women as academic authors over the years →
The Chronicle of Higher Education has a look at the percentage of academic…