It’s a given that some colleges and programs give more A’s than others,…
Nathan Yau
Undergraduate grade inflation
Cell phones and cancer
xkcd pokes fun at correlation and causation again. Funny every time.…
iPhone fireflies across the Europen sky
A few months ago there was a lot of hoopla around the iPhone…
beeswarm →
Organizes overlapping points in a scatterplot so they don’t
News of the World scandal unfolding on Twitter
All kinds of crazy with News of the World went down this past…
Netflix favorites by location
If you have Netflix, you know that there’s a section for local favorites,…
World map of useless stereotypes
We saw Europe in the eyes of different countries a while back. Christoph…
Geography of Wikipedia edits
A while back we saw the history of the world according to Wikipedia.…
Challenge: Visualize the impact of Wikipedia
If you’re like me, you’ve probably used Wikipedia at least once in the…
Community connections via SMS and phone call data
We often think of communities in the framework of government-set boundaries, but relationships…
Flickr and Twitter mapped together – See Something or Say Something?
For all the maps by Eric Fischer I’ve posted, it’s amazing how little…
Why learning code for data is worthwhile
There are lots of tools that have come out in the past couple…
Visualize This: Published
Right now, at this very moment, I have an actual physical book on…
Expanded rules for Rock-paper-scissors
We already learned how to win Roshambo every time, but there’s actually more…
Wow vs. Ah-ha for data graphics
After attending the Eyeo Festival, Zach Gemignani of Juice Analytics noticed a difference…
Where the aliens are flying their UFOs
I came across some UFO sightings data on Infochimps, from the National UFO…
Best of FlowingData – June 2011
We’re already more than halfway through the year. Time…moving…too…fast. Is there a pause…
Avoiding Loops in R →
Slow loops? Maybe these alternative will help
Make Sankey flow diagrams with Fineo, sort of
Whenever I post a Sankey diagram (for example, here, here, and here), someone…
Access to education where you live
If you’re a parent, most likely you want your children to go to…