His annual report came out recently; the interviews follow
Nathan Yau
Nicholas Felton on the Verge →
Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, accidental chart
This came via Twitter from @christopferd:
Will @flowingdata caption my 2 yr old’s… -
Data in a human context
Jer Thorp, a data artist in residence at The New York Times, shows…
Visualization tutorials list →
How-tos from around the Web for R, D3, and the now-defunct Protovis [via]
“APIs are for nerds (Nerds who build freaking awesome sports stuff.)” [via]
Growing urban populations
In this simple interactive animation by Periscopic, in partnership with UNICEF, we see…
Open Data Handbook →
Why, what and how of open data from Open Knowledge Foundation
Data for the Public Good →
Free ebook on making use of open government data [via]
Taxonomy for interactive visual analysis
Interactive visualization continues to grow more useful and prominent in every day analysis.…
ggplot2 0.9.0 →
Newest version of the R graphics package contains a lot of new features and updates
What is a data scientist? →
Guardian asks actual data scientists what data science is. Recurring theme is a blending.
Keeping track of yourself
The quantified self movement continues:
This may sound creepy, but tens of thousands… -
Recreating lattice in ggplot2 →
Other than with base R functionality, people typically use Lattice or ggplot2. In this multi-part post, lattice plots are recreated with ggplot2, code snippets included
Spotlight on movie profitability
Movies are a curious business. There a variety of forces that encourage people…
Morris.js →
Lightweight library for time series charts
Bikini Chart →
Inversion for clarity; interesting use of gradient
Mobile phone digital traces
In collaboration with Lift and Near Future Laboratory, Interactive Things explores digital traces…
Difference between weather and climate explained
The difference:
In this animated short, the relationship between trend and variation are… -
Data-Driven Investigative Journalism →
Newsrooms are changing and some embrace the growth of data-driven stories. Others not so much [via]
Mapping secrets from NYT graphics →
Continuing to spread their seeds of knowledge. Strive for clear and simple, learn to code, and sketch a lot. [via]