Lee Drutman, a Senior Fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, compared the tax returns…
Nathan Yau
Comparing Romney’s tax returns to presidential returns →
Interactive Spaces →
Google releases API to make rooms digitally interactive
Vizify →
Another site to turn your personal data into an infographic. Why?
Census API →
It only took a kajillion dollars, but they finally have one
Really Big Objects Coming to R →
Maximum vector length making its way to 252; “That’s a lot of McNuggets.”
Swimsuit technology and breaking world records
The Washington Post has a fine graphic on swimming world records and the…
How to visualise social structure →
Applying new techniques to old Census data
Viral infographics and useful visual communication →
Stupid 10-second rule
The Future of Big Data
Results from Pew survey on what to look forward to and what not to
The Data Stack: A Structured Approach →
Layers of a data-driven application
Data science: tools vs. craft →
Data science: tools vs. craft. It takes more than a program to do something useful.
From statistics to data science, and vice versa
Carnegie Mellon statistics professor Cosma Shalizi considers the differences and similarities between statistics…
Tracking the spread of AIDS →
Adam Cole and Nelson Hsu for NPR plotted the percentage of people, ages…
Great Lakes currents map
Using the same tech Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viegas created to show wind…
Sometimes Less Really Is Less →
Reducing complexity
Interview with Hilary Mason of bitly →
“I’m a firm believer in finding the smartest people you can, and letting them use whatever works best.”
Computing for data analysis
If you want to learn visualization, you should learn data. To learn data,…
Infographics Are Not a Social Media Strategy →
Need something i.e. ideas or data for people to talk about
You don’t need a real-time dashboard →
Technically impressive, but usually not useful for real decisions
Typographic superheroes
Designer Matthew Olin unmasked the characters behind the typeface characters for his MFA…