Estimated value of your data
Nathan Yau
How much do Google and Facebook profit from your data? →
Ready Set Raphael →
Quickly convert SVG to RaphaelJS
Spending race →
The Washington Post has been doing some good work this election season
History of Earth in 24-hour clock
I’m not sure where this is originally from, but I found it on…
Detailed and interactive explanation on the appended color space [via]
Using OpenStreetMap Data with Open-Source GIS →
Good tutorial
Patent war →
As you’ve probably heard, Apple and Samsung have been in a bit of…
Intro to infographics course →
From a journalism point of view and for beginners
Trifacta →
Jeffrey Heer and company announce startup that helps people make sense of large datasets
The birthday problem explained
How many people does it take for there to be a 50% chance…
The Dirty Truth About Data Literacy →
Kim Rees from Periscopic talks learning data and visualization for the public
RiTa →
Natural language library for generative literature in Processing [via]
Members Only
More on Making Heat Maps in R
You saw how to make basic heat maps a while back, but you might want more flexibility for a specific data set. Once you understand the components of a heat map, the rest is straightforward.
Parse PDF files with R →
Potential time-saver
Smooth zooming →
Useful for a stepper map
The real A/C repair schedule
My central air conditioner started to suck about a month ago, so I…
Contest: Visualize return on education →
Topic could make this interesting; plus cash prize and trip to Paris
TypeScript →
Superset of JavaScript for application-scale development; compiles to JavaScript
The Aesthetician and the Cartographer →
Sounds like the same cycle as visualization
Every Lost episode visualized and recreated
Santiago Ortiz visualized every episode of the show in the interactive Lostalgic. It’s…