There are rules—usually for specific chart types meant to be read in a specific way—that you shouldn’t break. When they are, everyone loses. This is that small handful.
Nathan Yau
Real Chart Rules to Follow
The Price is Right winner and cancer survivor calculates the odds
Elisa Long, a professor in Decisions, Operations, and Technology Management at the University…
Denver Broncos testing in-game analytics
Analytics continues its spread into the various facets of sports. Just recently, the…
Disappearing Arctic reflected in National Geographic maps
In the most recent update to their atlas coming in September, National Geographic…
Data cleaning tips
When you first learn statistics, visualization, or any data-related subject, the data usually…
Extract data from PDF files and export to CSV
Tabula, available for Windows and Mac, lets you extract data from PDF files,…
Why government sites are outdated and very much not fun to use
Government data sites are typically sluggish and a pain to use. So many…
Possible float routes for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went down a year ago, and with recently found…
Exploding nation of poverty
Poverty is on the rise. Justin Palmer mapped it for major cities in…
Criminal sentencing and a stat lesson on probabilities and uncertainty
Pennsylvania is considering the use of risk assessment — the chances that someone…
Tufte style charts in R
Lukasz Piwek is chipping away at a collection of Tufte-style charts using R,…
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How to Map and Use GeoTIFF Files in R
It’s like working with a bunch of tiny dots, and oh look, all of sudden patterns emerge.
United States electricity map
The Washington Post mapped power plants in the United States by type and…
Top high school plays and musicals, by decade
Based on annual high school play and musical rankings from the magazine Dramatics,…
Technology sector, share of market over time
Here’s a straightforward stacked area chart from the Economist that shows shifting market…
Gender prediction through trivia performance
Todd Schneider likes trivia, and he plays in an online league called LearnedLeague.…
How stolen data affects you
You typically hear about data breaches in terms of number of records that…
Avoid busy times at local businesses with Google
Waiting in line stinks. I purposely go to the grocery store during off-times…
Visual introduction to machine learning
What is machine learning? It sounds like a bunch of computers get together…
Million dollar blocks and the cost of incarceration
Incarceration costs a lot of money. We know this, sort of. But how…