When you first get a CSV file, sometimes it’s useful to poke at…
Nathan Yau
Quickly browse large CSV files on the desktop with Tad
A century of facial hair styles
Facial hair styles change with the years. One year it might be more…
Challenges of visualization in industry
The most recent Data Stories episode with Elijah Meeks is worth a listen…
Visualize large datasets with deck.gl
deck.gl is an open source framework developed by Uber to visualize large datasets…
A story of humanity in the pixels of a Reddit April Fool’s experiment
On April Fool’s Day, Reddit launched a blank canvas that users could add…
Introducing a Course for Mapping in R
Mapping geographic data in R can be tricky, because there are so many…
Listen to soundtrack based on FedEx shipment tracking
FedEx (yes, the shipping company) put up an interactive piece that audiolizes a…
Best infographics in the news
The annual Malofiej Awards is the big one for infographics in the news.…
Automatic visualization is a bad idea, generally speaking
Plug in any dataset into a magic box and it spits out a…
Use dual axes with care, if at all
Dual axes, where there are two value scales in a single chart, are…
Data bias at every step
Lena Groeger for ProPublica describes when the designer shows up in the design,…
National precinct map
Mapping at the precinct level of detail is tough because there isn’t a…
Interactive visualization is still alive
Phew. Close call.
New York Times graphics editor Gregor Aisch noted during a… -
Time-lapse of community-edited pixels
For April Fool’s Day, Reddit ran a subreddit, r/place, that let users edit…
Motion design patterns
Issara Willenskomer talks in detail about the use of animation in UX design…
Visual simulations to show Uber game strategies
Uber uses psychology and video game mechanics to encourage drivers to work longer…
Millennial cherry-picking
Emily Beam highlights confirmation bias in articles recently suggesting that more millennial men…
Pianist eye tracking
What does a pianist look at while playing? Put a pair of eye…
Visualization as skill set or stand-alone profession
Jumpstarted by Elijah Meeks asking why visualization people are leaving the field for…
Subreddit math with r/The_Donald helps show topic breakdowns
Trevor Martin for FiveThirtyEight used latent semantic analysis to do math with subreddits,…