Kevin Simler uses interactive simulations to explain how things — ideas, disease, memes…
Interactive explainer for how disease and ideas spread through a network
Optimized bubble tea consumption
When you drink bubble tea, ideally you’d like to finish with the same…
Subway delays visually explained
Adam Pearce for The New York Times describes the sad state of affairs…
Waiting For a Table
A simulation to estimate how long until you are seated at a restaurant.
Simulation shows swirling of smoke, sea salt, and dust around the world
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NASA. Data. Good.
Tracking the aerosols carried on the winds… -
Life expectancy if all diseases were magically cured
Here’s a fun what-if simulation that imagines a world where all natural causes…
How disinformation spreads in a network
Disinformation is kind of a problem these days, yeah? Fatih Erikli uses a…
Visual simulations to show Uber game strategies
Uber uses psychology and video game mechanics to encourage drivers to work longer…
LOOPY is a tool to think in systems
Nicky Case, whose projects to simulate segregation and systems with emoji you might…
Simulation shows how your mouth works when you talk
You have a mouth with a bunch of tissue in it and manipulate…
Here’s how a neural network works
Daniel Smilkov and Shan Carter at Google put together this interactive learner for…
Simulation shows why polls don’t always match future results
With election season in full swing, as far as the news is concerned…
Super Tuesday simulation to show uncertainty
As we know, there are various outcomes during election season, with uncertainty in…
Possible paths for a Trump nomination loss or win
It pains me to imagine a time when Donald Drumpf earns a Republican…
Try to win the lottery
The Powerball Lottery is big news in the United States right now. The…
Simulate the world as an emoji system of rules
We tend to think of life in terms of cause and effect. Do…
A Day in the Life of Americans
I wanted to see how daily patterns emerge at the individual level and how a person’s entire day plays out. So I simulated 1,000 of them.
Years You Have Left to Live, Probably
The individual data points of life are much less predictable than the average. Here’s a simulation that shows you how much time is left on the clock.
Criminal sentencing and a stat lesson on probabilities and uncertainty
Pennsylvania is considering the use of risk assessment — the chances that someone…
Why buses bunch at single stops
Maybe you’ve waited at a bus stop for longer than usual, and your…