The purpose of onomatopoeia is to imitate sounds with words, so you might…
Animal sounds in different languages
Less sense of belonging, in middle school
Alvin Chang, for the Pudding, highlights education research on the awkwardness of middle…
Sitting vs. standing jobs
Some jobs require a lot of standing, crouching, and climbing, whereas other jobs…
Evolution of the love song
For The Pudding, David Mora and Michelle Jia examine the death of the…
Uniform flair on the rise in NBA basketball games
In NBA basketball, the home team used to almost always wear a white…
Abortion mazes to represent the complexity of abortion access
Speaking of grid maps and abortion access, Jan Diehm and Michelle Pera-McGhee, for…
Visual explainer for the thrilling game of Crokinole
From Russell Samora for The Pudding, “Crokinole is like a mashup of shuffleboard…
Who gets shipped in fan fiction
The Pudding examines who gets shipped, which means a pairing of characters in…
Reordered baseball lineup over decades
Baseball’s batting lineup has changed from what seemed to make sense to what…
Satellite imagery of all the outdoor basketball courts
For The Pudding, Matthew Daniels extracted all the outdoor basketball courts in the…
Testing AI tools to make a visual data story
For The Pudding, Russell Samora and Michelle Pera-McGhee gave generative AI a serious…
Shifts in post-apocalyptic worlds in science fiction films
Using science fiction films as a proxy for what we see in our…
1,300 allegations against New Hampshire Youth Development Center
In a collaboration between NHPR and the Pudding, Jason Moon and Russell Samora…
Changing climate zones of major cities
A global map of climate change can make a few degrees of rising…
Flipbook drawn by strangers on the internet
The Pudding ran an experiment that asked people to trace a shape. They…
Teenage adversity that carries into adulthood
The National Longitudinal Surveys from the Bureau of Labor Statistics are unique in…
Flipbook Experiment, like the Telephone game but visual
This looks fun. The Pudding is running an experiment that functions like a…
Defining the greatest albums of all time
Rolling Stone published a list in 2003 that ranked the 500 greatest albums…
Diva-ness of national anthem renditions
You’ve probably heard various renditions of The Star-Spangled Banner, and sometimes singers put…
Analysis of romance novel covers
When I was a kid, I remember uncomfortably walking past the book section…