Niklas Elmqvist provides a detailed guide for finding and a visualization PhD program:…
Applying for a PhD program in visualization
Statistics PhD ranked as best graduate degree
I usually don’t read much into job and degree rankings. The criteria are…
Why pursue a PhD
Philip Guo provides three practical reasons on why it’s worth pursuing a PhD.…
PhD gender gaps around the world
Periscopic, for Scientific American, visualized the number of PhDs awarded in various countries.…
A Survival Guide to Starting and Finishing a PhD
Tips on making it through, what I would tell my previous self going in, and advice on taking advantage of the unique opportunity that is graduate school.
Ph.D. students rethink the tenure track
Ph.D. students rethink the tenure track. The traditional approach is to get your degree and then look for a professor job. That’s changing though, and more people leave academia after they graduate. I think when I first got into graduate school academia was top on my list, too, but after working with my adviser and other professors, it didn’t seem like a job I’d enjoy.
Starting a New Stack
There’s a corner of my desk reserved for books, notes, papers, and other…